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Audio cassettes (MC)

Knyazhaya Pustyn – The True Tale (2018)


Audio cassette with recording

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Product description

The wind is wavering the leaves of the sleeping halls,
The sky is pouring down the light covering the blue with the heat,
In the threads of the forgotten roads, in the roaring rapids,
The snow drift of the time has washed away the traces of the past…

The 2018’s collector’s cassette reissue of the 2016’s album of the Kostroma folk-rock/ambient band Knyazhaya Pustyn (Княжая Пустынь). The deeply ornate lyrics in Russian deal with the nature of Ruthenia, the forgotten spirit of the ancient Slavonic culture and its mystical impact on the hearts of some of the today’s people despite the bygone ages. The sound was remastered for the analogue release. Released by Shum Derevyev Records (shu-mc 02-18), Der Schwarze Tod (tod02mc) and COD Label and Distribution (COD08MC) on March 25, 2018.

  • Side A
  1. Отголоски перезимья [The Echoes of Late Winter]
  2. Капель [Spring Drops]
  3. Под крылами лазурных знамён [Under the Wings of the Azure Banners]
  4. Цветень [Tsveten’]
  5. Ковыль-трава [Feather Grass]
  6. Рассвета длань [The Hand of Dawn]
  7. Кресень [Kresen’]
  8. Искони [Since Time Immemorial]
  9. Тысячи летъ [Thousands of Years]
  10. Пеленой свежих рос [With the Veil of Fresh Dew]
  11. На вершине старого холма [At the Top of the Old Hill]
  • 03:47
  • 05:21
  • 05:41
  • 02:12
  • 01:56
  • 03:27
  • 03:11
  • 01:40
  • 03:25
  • 04:20
  • 02:15
  • Side B
  1. Липень [Lipen’]
  2. Млечным следом небес [With the Milky Trace of Heaven]
  3. Сутемь [Murkiness]
  4. Отжила деревянная Русь… [Gone is the Wooden Ruthenia…]
  5. Истокъ [The Source]
  6. Коло хвойных грив [The Circle of Coniferous Crests]
  7. Сумрачно под сводами елей [It is Dark under the Spruce Dome]
  8. Серпень [Serpen’]
  9. В урочище хрустальных вод [In the Dale of Crystal Waters]
  10. Путь домой [Way Home]
  11. Быль [The True Tale]
  • 02:05
  • 04:07
  • 03:24
  • 07:12
  • 03:10
  • 02:15
  • 02:48
  • 03:15
  • 01:25
  • 04:08
  • 04:01
  • Total time: 01:15:14
Technical information

Cassettes made by the GoTape company (SPb, Russia)
Recorded by GoTape
Master: digital, -12dB RMS, 44 kHz, 16-bit
Tape: Fe2O3

Additional information

Weight60 g


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